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Top Morning Stories November 15, 2010

Fort hood ceremony
Photo by KUT News.
Fort Hood soldiers at a memorial last year following the November 5th mass shooting. A hearing for the charged shooter is expected to wrap up today.

Key Hasan Hearing Wrapping Up

The Article 32 military hearing for the accused Fort Hood shooter resumes today.  Major Nidal Hasan’s hearing has been on hold for about three weeks.  This hearing will be determine whether he will be court-martialed for last year's mass shooting on the Army post that left 13 dead and 31 wounded. 

The prosecution wrapped up testimony last month from witnesses and soldiers wounded in the shootings last November.  The Associated Press reports Hasan's hearing is expected to wrap up todaybecause the defense doesn’t plan to present any evidence. 

Prosecution Wrapping Up in DeLay Trial

In the other closely watched Central Texas case, the AP reports prosecutors may be close to wrapping up in Tom DeLay's trial.  The trial resumes today for the third week of testimony.  The former U.S. House Majority Leader is accused of helping to illegally fund Texas legislative races in 2002.  DeLay says he did nothing wrong and that no corporate money went to Texas candidates.

Illness-related Deaths in County Jails

A new report by Brandi Grissom of our political reporting partner, the Texas Tribune, says more than 280 Texas county jail inmates  died from illnesses while in custody over a four-and-a-half year period.  Grissom reports the number of illness-related deaths in county jails comes close to the number of deaths in state prisons which house many more people for longer periods of time.  There are currently no state standards for health care in county jails.

Cowboys Snap Losing Streak

Under the direction of their new head coach Jason Garrett, the Dallas Cowboys (2-7) beat the New York Giants 33-20 Sunday.  It was the first Cowboys game since owner Jerry Jones fired former head coach Wade Phillips. It will also be remembered for a power outage during the game at the New Meadowlands Stadium in New Jersey.  Here's an excerpt from Jean-Jacques Taylor, a columnist with The Dallas Morning News:

For the first time in four games, the Cowboys played as hard as they could for as long as they could. It's about time. Obviously, that's supposed to happen each week, but anyone who's been watching this team knows that's not the case. Their reward: a hard-fought 33-20 win over the New York Giantsaccompanied by feelings of euphoria and relief.

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