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Technical Difficulties with City of Austin Website

A partial screen shot of where visitors to Austin's City Website were taken when they tried to visit the city site today.
Screen shot by Mose Buchele for KUT News.
A partial screen shot of where visitors to Austin's City Website were taken when they tried to visit the city site today.

Visitors to the City of Austin's website were surprised to be re-directed this afternoon to a page saying the "US Locality domain you are searching for has been given back to Neustar Registry to manage." The City's Public Information Office quickly followed up on a phone call to their office with this Tweet:

If you're experiencing difficulties viewing our website, try Thank you for your patience as we work on this!

A spokesperson reached by phone said she was not sure what the problem was, but the City was working on it and Austin's website should back up shortly.

Mose Buchele focuses on energy and environmental reporting at KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @mosebuchele.