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Top Morning Stories April 19, 2011

Devastation from the 100-acre fire in Oak Hill on Sunday.
Photo by Matt Largey for KUT News
Devastation from the 100-acre fire in Oak Hill on Sunday.

Monitoring Oak Hill Hot Spots

The Austin Fire Department says eight firefighters are still in Oak Hill looking out for any hot spots from Sunday’s 100-acre blaze.  Firefighters worked overnight and officials say the fire is around 90 percent contained this morning.

APD To Do Outdoor Fire Education

Austin police say they're going to be stricter about enforcing outdoor burn bans. A man authorities say is homeless was charged for starting a camp fire that sparked the Oak Hill fire.  APD says it wants people to pay attention to city ordinances to prevent fires like this from happening again.

APD says many homeless people live in 35 to 40 camps around the city. Police say department representatives will try to bring fire education to the homeless, who have little access to news, phones and televisions. Mario Carrillo reported this story forKUT News and Reporting

Wildfires Still Blazing Across Texas

Firefighters have been working to contain wildfires all across the state.  As they make headway on some, new ones keep cropping up.  Yesterday the Texas Forest Serviceresponded to eight new fires.  More than 20 other fires are still not under control. 

Firefighters are still fighting the Rockhouse Fire in the Ft. Davis area on the ground and with aerial resources above.  That fire has now burned more than 191,000 acres.  Firefighters have come in from 35 states to help battle the blazes. 

AISD to Crown Teachers of the Year Today

No doubt with budget cuts and layoffs these are tough times to be a teacher, but today three lucky teachers in the Austin School Districtare going to get a nice surprise.  Superintendent Meria Carstarphen is scheduled to make surprise visits to announce AISD's elementary, middle school and high school 2011 Teachers of the Year. 

The three teachers will get a dozen roses today and the chance to be named Austin's Teacher of the Year.  The finalists were selected by colleagues, administrators and parents.