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Sunday Morning Round-Up: July 31, 2011 Oh and the top stories of the day.
Photo by KUT News Oh and the top stories of the day.

Say goodbye to one heck of a hot July. And get ready for one heck of a hot August (108 on Tuesday!?!).

Anyway - on to today's top stories:

Nowhere to Run

A few years ago the city of Austin came up with a new plan for how to hold the area's multiple road races while disrupting downtown accessibility as little as possible. But that plan has organizers of the Austin Breast Cancer Foundation a little upset. The Statesman reports this morning that the group's permit for a race in downtown has been denied. But an appeal will be discussed at city council later this month. City staff initially blocked the race because the route would close down both the South 1st street and Congress bridges - among other concerns.

Caution: Low Debt Ceiling

It's like Groundhog Day isn't it folks. Each morning we wake up to just about the same news. "Negotiations continue, Republicans and Democrats are getting closer-or not, and the whole thing MUST get worked out by Tuesday.

Well here's the latest on the debt ceiling debate from the New York Times. Guess what it's a hint (read above). Personally I'll be watching the end of another deadline today. I hope the Braves can add an outfield bat.

Vince Young Finds a New Home

And speaking of sports...former UT Longhorn Superhero National Champion Winning QB Vince Young has started the next chapter of his checkered pro career. The former AP NFL Offensive Rookie of the year will back up former dog fighting ring leader Michael Vick in Philadelphia. The move could actually be a good one for VY. The Eagles have a great offensive system - and if Vince can learn it - he could do a great job stepping in for Vick in  a couple of years.

Ben Philpott is the Managing Editor for KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @BenPhilpottKUT.