F1 is still three weeks away. Or only three weeks away, as the city is looking at it. Austin is making some big preparations as the big race weekend approaches.
City Cleanup
- The Public Works Operation will be cleaning up downtown around all the construction sites.
- City contractors will clean and restore pedestrian access areas downtown.
- Austin Resource Recovery is planning ahead for the big weekend. They will adding up to 200 additional trash receptacles downtown. They will also be ramping up their downtown litter control services to extended to a much larger area.
- The Public Works Department is putting a hold on all downtown construction projects from Thursday, November 14 through Monday, November 19.
- Multiple streets will be closed between Lavaca and I-35 on race weekend to accommodate the F1 related Fan Fest.
- The Transportation Department and Cap Metro are releasing mobile apps to help visitors and locals get around town.
- There will be free Downtown Loop bus service November 16-18 from 7 A.M. to 2:30 A.M. Buses will run every 15 minutes.
- MetroAirport service will increase the frequency of its service to every 15 minutes from November 15 through November 19.
- MetroRail will increase it's operating hours on Saturday, November 17: 10 A.M. to Midnight, and for the first time ever, will offer Sunday service on November 18: 10 A.M. to 8 P.M.
- The City has released a Bike Map of suggested routes.
- Austin Energy is preparing to add extra on-duty crews at the substation that will feed the Circuit of the Americas. They will also have crews on call at the north and south substations ready to respond if needed, but don't anticipate any issues.