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The Lead: Oprah Says Armstrong Confesses to Doping

Good morning. Austin’s facing a chilly and drizzly Tuesday morning. The National Weather Service says we'll warm to a high in the low to mid 40s. The rest of the state is not so lucky: the AP reports flights have been suspended at Dallas’ Love Field. (Update: the AP reports Love Field is open again.)

Lead story: The fever pitch around Lance Armstrong’s interview with Oprah Winfrey continues to build. Now after anonymous reports surfaced that Armstrong confessed, a reported round of apologies to the Livestrong staff, and a panoply of media trucks descended on Armstrong’s West Austin home, the talk show titan herself confirms it: in an appearance on CBS This Morning today, Winfrey said Armstrong did indeed confess to doping in their three-hour long interview.

The folks at FOX News write that Oprah’s absolution is not, well, absolute: they cite a Reuters report stating Armstrong did 'not come clean in the manner' she expected.

The interview has also been expanded into a two-night affair. It begins airing Thursday evening.

Violent stickup in northeast Austin: As KUT News reported yesterday, an Austin police officer was injured during a shootout near a shopping center in northeast Austin.

APD say it started shortly after 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the Capital Plaza Shopping Center off I-35. Someone robbed the driver of an armored vehicle and took off. People called 9-1-1 and police chased the suspect to a wooded area near the Springdale Shopping Center at Manor and Springdale Roads. That’s where the shootout happened. 

Police say an officer was hit in the knee by a bullet or shrapnel. The last shooting of an Austin police officer, Jaime Padron, resulted in Padron’s death – the first in nearly 25 years.

Nothing secedes :  Here’s some not terribly surprising news: that petition to the White House asking for Texas to secede didn’t go all that well. In an elegantly worded response (in place of a far more succinct, one-word, two-letter response others might consider), the White House said that the Founding Fathers who created the Union “did not provide a right to walk away from it.” That surprisingly hasn’t sat well with some of the backers of the petition.

Among the equally likely scenarios the White House has balked at: a request the U.S. immediately begin construction of a Death Star. In a blow to Force fans, POTUS’ team has declared, “This Isn't the Petition Response You're Looking For.” (Get it?)

Wells has been a part of KUT News since 2012, when he was hired as the station's first online reporter. He's currently the social media host and producer for Texas Standard, KUT's flagship news program. In between those gigs, he served as online editor for KUT, covering news in Austin, Central Texas and beyond.
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