Hunger in Austin is the focus of a series of videos produced by students at the University of Texas, the project of an organization called the Creative Activist Network.
The network pairs activists with creative college students to produce content that communicates their social concerns. Some of these films will be screened tomorrow night along with the documentary A Place at the Table, which examines hunger in the United States.
We spoke with student filmmakers Skyler Moran and Emily Ng about the project.
We went and interviewed survivors of hunger in Austin. Mainly we asked, “Describe visually how hunger feels, like to someone who’s never experienced it before.” Then we took those visuals that they gave us, combined it into one poem, and then made a stop-motion animation to accompany that poem.
The student films and documentary will be shown tomorrow at 6:45 p.m. in the Student Activity Center auditorium on the UT campus, followed by a Q&A with the documentary's director via Skype.