Women's Marches are taking place across the country on the anniversary of Donald Trump's inauguration. Last year, tens of thousands of protesters packed streets in many cities — including in Austin, where an estimated 50,000 people crowded along Congress Avenue and on the Capitol grounds.
This morning, a much smaller group of protesters gathered at Austin City Hall in preparation for a march to the Texas Capitol.
It’s blustery, but there’s still quite a crowd at City Hall protesting Trump. There’s a handful of counter-protesters, too. pic.twitter.com/MbnsMsiIci
— Ashley Lopez (@AshLopezRadio) January 20, 2018
Obviously not as packed as last year, but lots of Austinites are protesting Donald Trump again on the anniversary of the Women’s March. pic.twitter.com/DxBewjRk6D
— Ashley Lopez (@AshLopezRadio) January 20, 2018
Lisa Smith, Jessica Salinas and Jill Young came to protest today. Salinas says she’s “Appalled by everything except the spirit of people turning out.” These ladies say attacks on institutions and women’s health are concerning. pic.twitter.com/Ay3taGFTwg
— Ashley Lopez (@AshLopezRadio) January 20, 2018
Carlos and Monekia Kea say they are concerned about racism. Monekia says Trump’s comments about African countries and Haiti last week alarmed her. “It’s not normal and we are not standing for it,” she says. pic.twitter.com/1BldPR7OSU
— Ashley Lopez (@AshLopezRadio) January 20, 2018
APD says they estimate about 1,200 people have turned out so far to protest Trump. pic.twitter.com/RdCkQTgHql
— Ashley Lopez (@AshLopezRadio) January 20, 2018
Morgan Anderson, Steven Christian, Durren Anderson, Jonna Anderson and Sayward Anderson came out to protest again this year. Morgan says she feels worse than she did last year about the state of the country. Sayward says she’s hopeful about the midterm election, though. pic.twitter.com/Tctqyf1KR7
— Ashley Lopez (@AshLopezRadio) January 20, 2018