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Study: Women Workers Are Still Shortchanged

Flickr user Victor1558,

An examination of the latest Census data shows a gender-based wage gap is affecting a majority of women around the United States.

The analysis conducted by the National Partnership for Women & Families is the first ever analysis of data separated by U.S. congressional districts.

The study shows that in 97 percent of the nation’s congressional districts, the median pay for women is less than the median pay for men by 23 cents. Women of color seem to experience an even greater disparity: African American women are paid 64 cents and Latinas are paid 55 cents for every dollar paid to white, Non-Hispanic men.

In Texas the median pay for a woman working full time year round is $35,301 per year, compared to $43,160 for men. Meaning women are being paid 82 cents for every dollar paid to men.

In Austin's Congressional District 25, women are losing $7,524 per year due to this pay discrepancy.

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