Travis County Commissioners voted four to one this morning in favor of providing economic incentives to HID Global. The company makes ID cards and key-card readers.
HID Global is looking at building a manufacturing and distribution center in Northeast Austin. It would create more than 270 jobs over 10 years. In return, the county would give the company at least a 40 percent discount on county taxes over that time.
County Commissioner Ron Davis represents the area including Northeast Austin.
“I just think it’s overall a big deal all across the community and I think it’s a win, win, win, win, win, win-type situation for all of us," said Davis.
Commissioner Sarah Eckhardt was the sole vote against; when the commissioners mulled their last incentive agreement, with computing company Apple, Eckhardt went on record as opposing subsides unless they offered better terms to disadvantaged county residents in search of work.
The City of Austin is offering HID Global more than $900,000 in tax rebates and the State of Texas is offering the company $1.9 million from the Texas Enterprise Fund.