The Austin Independent School District will take public input tomorrow and Thursday nights on a proposal that—as it's currently written—would close eight elementary schools and a middle school.
The schools on the block currently are Joslin, Pease, Brooke, Ortega, Oak Springs, Sanchez, Barton Springs and Zilker Elementary Schools and Pearce Middle School.
Pearce had been ranked "unacceptable" in state accountability reports for several years running and had been the subject of two repurposing efforts by AISD, before reaching "acceptable" status in the 2009-10 school year.
The proposal would also shift boundaries for Akins and Crockett High Schools, as well, as two east-central elementary schools, call for construction of three new elementary schools, a new southeast middle school and a new high school in South Austin, and assigning an elementary school paid for AISD's 2008 bond election.
Tomorrow night's meeting is at 6:00 p.m. at the Delco Center, just off US 183 and Manor Road. Thursday night's meeting will also be at 6:00 p.m. at the Toney Burger Center, just off Ben White Blvd.