About 850,000 students in Texas are English language learners. That’s one in every six students, and their numbers are growing fast.
Last year, the State of Texas spent an average of $234 per English learning student. By contrast, the Austin school district spent nearly $1,300 dollars per English learning student. That's five times the state average.
The maps below show the geographic distribution of the multilingual population of Austin ISD Area, by percent, as compared to Student Enrollment in AISD Bilingual or ESL programs, ages 5-17.
* These maps do not account for students between the ages of 5-17 that may attend charter schools, private schools or are homeschooled. Some margins of error are very high within a census tract because the area population is an estimate over a 5-year period.
High Schools:
- Gradations of Blue –The darker the hue, the higher the percentage of multilingual speakers for that area. Click on a census tract to view the total population of the census tract area.
- Red Points – Location of individual High schools within the school zone. Click on a point to view the enrollment figures for a particular school.
- Red Boundary Lines - Show the census tracts that feed into each particular school within the zone.
Middle Schools
- Gradations of Blue –The darker the hue, the higher the percentage of multilingual speakers for that area. Click on a census tract to view the total population of the census tract area.
- Purple Points – Points show the location of individual Middle schools within the school zone. Click on a point to view the enrollment figures for a particular school.
- Purple Boundary Lines - Show the census tracts that feed into each particular school within the zone.
Elementary Schools
- Gradations of Blue –The darker the hue, the higher the percentage of multilingual speakers for that area. Click on a census tract to view the total population of the census tract area.
- Blue Points– Points show the location of individual Elementary schools within the school zone. Click on a point to view the enrollment figures for a particular school.
- Blue Boundary Lines – Show the census tracts that feed into each particular school within the zone.
- Texas Education Agency: Academic Excellence Indicator System 2010-2011
- American Community Survey Data: Characteristics of People By Languages Spoken at Home by Census Track 2006-2010
- Austin ISD