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New Poll: Texans Support Funding Family Planning Services

Ann Choi, KUT News

A new poll finds support for state-funded family planning from Texans across race, religion and party affiliation.

The surveyby the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund found more than 70 percent of registered Texas voters support family planning funding such as birth control. The finding includes groups thought to be more socially conservative, like Republican women, Hispanics and Catholics.

The poll finds 50 percent of Republicans, both men and women, said they think state funding of family planning service is important.

Bob Carpenter, president for Chesapeake Beach Consulting and Anna Greenberg, vice president of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, gathered numbers from 604 registered voters. 

“It is important for any elected official anywhere not just in Texas but certainly with these numbers in Texas to remember women vote and they are voting with higher number each election," Carpenter said.

Texas Freedom Network Education Fund says it supports research and education efforts that promote religious freedom and individual liberties.

"The data that was gathered is more than informative," Kathy Miller, Texas Freedom Network's president, said.

"It says that throwing issues of family planning and birth control into the culture wars is a mistake and that Texans don't want politicians playing political game with women's access to family planning and birth control."

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