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April is National Poetry Month, a time when we celebrate poetry and recognize how it has shaped American culture. This year, KUT is participating in National Poetry Month by sharing poems written by students in the Blank Page creative writing programs at Kealing and Fulmore Middle Schools and the Writers' Workshop at Rawson Saunders School. You can read the and listen to the poems here, and you can also listen to the poems read on KUT 90.5 FM throughout the month of April.

Human Rights

Read by Shawna Butler

I am a human,
I have human rights as well,
No ignoring me,
There is nothing wrong,
With me being nothing but me,
I am special,
I have the knowledge,
Of who I was, am, and will be,
No one will hurt me,
I can do anything,
I am indestructible,
I’m a fire burning,
I make my own paths,
Push myself to the limit,
Do my best always,
Please look at me,
Notice me for who I am,
I am unique,
I am one of a kind,
For I am me, only me,
A girl with a story.