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April is National Poetry Month, a time when we celebrate poetry and recognize how it has shaped American culture. This year, KUT is participating in National Poetry Month by sharing poems written by students in the Blank Page creative writing programs at Kealing and Fulmore Middle Schools and the Writers' Workshop at Rawson Saunders School. You can read the and listen to the poems here, and you can also listen to the poems read on KUT 90.5 FM throughout the month of April.

Life is a Book, Right?

Read by Rabbi Neil Blumofe.

If I open up my book
What will I find?
Will my life flash by –
A crawling child,
A misleading twin brother,
Bugs in cases in Paris,
Journals filled with words from here
To the moon –
As the wind blows the pages away?

Is it really my story?
Or some heartless,
Soulless obituary
Stating who I was
Or was not?

Is it a list of things I want to do?
My bucket list?
Details of Hanging Gardens in Babylon
Salt Flats in Bolivia
Ice caves dangerous and alluring.

Is it a detailed story of exactly everything
Ever known about me?

Or is it a book at all?

Maybe no one has written it yet
I haven't started my autobiography
So I guess it’s not a book
Just the wind passing by
Carrying pictures of people,
Places I’ve been.
Laughter and singing
As my life whirls by.