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Husband And Wife Sketch Comedy Team Invites You To Spend 'An Evening With Chlane'

Chloe and Lane Ingram – who perform under the portmanteau Chlane – had already been married for about a year when they started taking improv classes together a decade ago. Since then, they’ve performed together and apart in various improv troupes, and that shared love of performing led them to eventually create their own sketch comedy show.

“Improv kind of helped fuel our desire to actually sit down and write some sketch,” Chloe says. “It’s something that we’ve always threatened to do, and I think improv really helped us kind of hone those skills. So we decided to actually put together a full sketch show. [Coldtowne Theater was] nice enough to give us a show. We conned them into thinking that we had what it takes, which we do.”

“We conned ourselves!” Lane adds. “We painted ourselves into a corner that we had to make a show out of.”

“Over about a six-month period, we just were writing and rewriting sketches that we’d performed,” Chloe says. “And now we’ve got this show that is our baby and we love it. I just feel comfortable in this show. And part of it, obviously, is that I’m doing this with my husband. You know, he’s my partner in life and my creative partner and we get to explore different facets of our relationship. And I think it’s something that audiences have really related to.”

An Evening with Chlane is  a variety show about the Ingrams’ marriage, but also about marriage and long-term relationships in a more general sense.

“It’s a very heightened version, I think, of what it’s like… when you know someone so well and you love them,” says Lane. “It’s like when you love someone… but you’ve been together so long you also kind of hate each other.”

“We’re not afraid to explore facets of that through characters,” Chloe says. “[The show is] exploring the highs and lows of what it means to be in a long-term relationship. This is not a show about young love. It’s a show about long-term love and what it means to just keep plugging away at it because for better or worse, this is the partner you have and they’re stuck with you, so let’s make the most of it.”

Lane’s quick to add with a laugh, “I do want to convey – it is a good date night show!”

“Because it’s relatable!”

“That’s the premise,” Lane says. “The premise is, you’re in the trenches with a partner. And then you go, “Okay, but what’s funny about that?”  

'An Evening With Chlane' runs through June 29 at Coldtowne Theater.

Mike is the production director at KUT, where he’s been working since his days as an English major at the University of Texas. He produces and hosts This Is My Thing and Arts Eclectic, and also produces Get Involved and the Sonic ID project. When pressed to do so, he’ll write short paragraphs about himself in the third person, but usually prefers not to.
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