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Membership FAQ

How can I donate to KUT and KUTX?

KUT has several different giving options:

  • Become a Member today by making your gift online.  When you chose to be a Monthly Member, your card or bank account is charged automatically each month and your membership never expires!
  • Mail your gift to KUT Membership at PO Box 7600, Austin, TX 78713. Checks can be made payable to KUT Radio.
  • Call KUT at 512-475-6100
  • You can also donate your used car!

To support us via a program sponsorship, please visit our Sponsorships page.
To learn more about becoming a part of our Business Circle, click here.
To learn more about becoming a part of our KUTX Concert Club, click here.
To learn more about becoming a part of our Leadership Circle, click here.

Create a username to access your Membership account.

Update your name, contact information, credit card information and address. View and print your giving history to serve as a tax receipt or proof of giving for matching gifts.

Login to the Membership Management System here

What is a Monthly Membership?

Monthly Sustaining Members donate to KUT month after month, year after year. KUT will charge your debit or credit card or your bank account in the amount you tell us, until you notify us to stop. There’s no need to ever wonder if your membership is current! As a sustaining member, your membership is always up-to-date. To find out more specifically about monthly members, please email us at or call 512-475-6100. And please click here to join!

Can I update or make changes to my Monthly Membership?

Absolutely! To make a change to your payment:

How long does my membership last?

Monthly and Sustaining Memberships last until you notify us to stop your donation.

Other memberships to KUT are for one year. If a person makes a gift to KUT in October, the membership will remain current until the following October.

At times KUT will ask members if they are able to make an additional gift. These additional gifts are a valuable revenue stream for the station.  Giving an additional gift does not extend a donor’s membership, unless the member requests it.

If you would like to renew your membership, please click here or mail a check to:
300 W. Dean Keeton St. Stop A0704
Attn: Membership
Austin, TX 78712-1061

When will I receive the thank you gift I requested?

KUT does not order thank you gifts until after the membership drive is over to save money. It ordinarily takes between 6-8 weeks for thank you gifts to be shipped once the drive is over. If you are curious about your thank you gift, please call 512-475-6100 or email

How do I get my company to match my gift to KUT?

Matching gifts are a great way of enabling KUT to receive more money without having to send in an extra dime! In order to utilize your company’s matching program, go to the HR department for your company. There they will have the matching gift form. Just fill out the form and mail it to KUT at PO Box 7600, Austin, TX 78713. We’ll take care of the rest!

To see if your company matches gifts, click here. You will be redirected to a University of Texas Web site. Since KUT is licensed to the University of Texas they assist KUT with processing matching gifts.

Thanks so much for helping KUT raise additional funds. The matching money that we receive goes directly to the programming that you enjoy.

I want to give through my Charitable Organization but KUT Radio is not listed. What should I do?

KUT is part of The University of Texas at Austin and many organizations have consolidated their listing to only reflect The University, or sometimes, the UT Foundation. Please pick either and designate your gift to KUT Radio. UT’s Development Office will ensure that the funds are deposited into our accounts. If you are able to designate the gift directly to us, please use this address: 300 W Dean Keeton A0704, Austin, TX 78712. It can be a time consuming process for us to acknowledge your gift, however we appreciate your support and will notify you as quickly as possible.

You might be asked for KUT’s EIN; it is 74-6000203. However, if the donation must go to a 501c3, it will be directed through the UT Foundation whose EIN is 74-1587488.

Can I give a KUT Membership as a gift?

Yes! Use this donation form to gift a KUT and KUTX Membership to someone special. We'll send them a letter on your behalf. If you need it sent on a certain date, please specify in the notes section of the donation form. Also, if you select a Thank You gift, we will happily mail the item directly to the membership recipieint.

If you have questions, please call 512-475-6100 or email

Can I make a gift in memory of someone?

KUT and KUTX gratefully accepts donations made in the memory of a loved one.

You can make your gift online by clicking this donation form, or checks can be mailed to PO Box 7600, Austin, TX 78713. Also, please notify us at 512-475-6100 or that a request has been made to donate to KUT. KUT will keep track of the donations, and send a thank you letter to those we know are giving in honor of a loved one.

Thank you for thinking of KUT. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the station if you have any other questions.

I live outside the U.S., how can I donate with my international address?

Thank you so much! Use this donation form. This form will accept addresses outside the United States. We appreciate your generosity! 

What is KUT's and KUTX’s Privacy Policy?

It is KUT’s and KUTX's policy not to rent, sell, swap, exchange, or trade the names, email and mailing addresses, phone numbers, or any other submitted listener information with any other organization.

We consider the security of your information a top priority.

KUT and KUTX are units of The University of Texas at Austin. Learn more about the University’s privacy policies here.

Why does my return envelope go to San Antonio?

For efficiency and security, checks and credit cards are processed directly by our local bank whose processing center is in San Antonio. All gifts are deposited directly into KUT’s bank accounts.

What is KUT’s Tax ID Number?

KUT Radio’s Federal EIN (Tax ID #) is 74-6000203. This ID is shared with several University of Texas institutions, so it is important to include “KUT Radio” as a line item in any donations, matching gifts, or other submissions that include KUT’s Tax ID.

Some organizations who ask you to provide KUT's EIN may be seeking a 501c3 [the EIN we've listed above is a 170c]. In that case, please provide The UT Foundation's EIN – they accept gifts on behalf of The University of Texas at Austin, including KUT & KUTX Radio, and will ensure that the funds are deposited into our accounts. That EIN is 74-1587488.

When will I get my tax receipt?

View and print your giving history at any time by creating a username to access your Membership account.  We send tax receipts by email in January; if we do not have an email address for you, or if you request a paper copy, we will mail you a tax receipt at the end of January. If you need a tax receipt right away please use our Membership Management System (if you don't know your username, email us at or get in touch with us at 512-475-6100).

How can I donate my car to KUT?

To donate used cars, boats, motorcycles, etc. please go to this informational page. Car donation revenue allows us to keep our membership drives short. Thank you!

How can I change my personal information (address, name, etc)?

To change your name, address, email or phone information: click here to fill out the online form, or send an email

Where can I find a list of KUT Business Supporters?

A current listing of KUT’s Business Supporters are available here.

How do I sign up for KUT and KUTX's E-newsletters?

It’s easy! Sign-up here.

How do I request a tour of KUT?

Just click hereto find out more about touring KUT!

How can I volunteer with KUT?

Click here to visit KUT’s Volunteer Page.

How can I receive a KUT Sticker?

Click here fill out a form -- we'll send you the stickers of your choice within two weeks!

My question isn’t answered here. How do I get in touch with someone at KUT?

Please don’t hesitate to call 512-475-6100 and ask for someone in membership or email