Sangita Menon
ReporterSangita Menon is a general assignment reporter for KUT. Before switching over to journalism in 2017, she was a circuit designer for a high-tech company in Austin. She has a degree in electrical engineering and computer science from UCLA.
Sangita was born in India, grew up in California, lived in Oregon and finally made her way to Texas in 2007. She lives in Austin with her husband and two daughters.
You can email her at smenon@kut.org.
Austin Humane Society took in 94 animals from the Gulf Coast Humane Society in Corpus Christi when the coastal shelter was still projected to be in the path of Hurricane Beryl.
On Tuesday, Travis County will close on a deal to buy more than 1,500 acres of wilderness parkland for $90 million. The Travis County Parks Department plans to add hike and bike trails, parking lots and restrooms, but it won't be ready for the public for a few years.
More than 22 million travelers passed through ABIA last year, beating the record set just the year before by a million passengers. Here's what some travelers had to say about their airport experience and the city's plan on increasing capacity.
Al cabo de unos años, el dinero de las cuentas bancarias inactivas, los cheques de pago no cobrados, los reembolsos no reclamados y los depósitos se entregan a la Contraloría de Texas.
After a few years, money from dormant bank accounts, uncashed paychecks, unclaimed refunds and deposits all get handed over to the Texas Comptroller.
Every Texan will have 14 constitutional amendments on their ballots. Find information about registering to vote, ID requirements and important dates leading up to Election Day.
La hierba seca, el viento y la humedad relativamente baja hacen que el fuego se propague con facilidad y sea difícil de controlar.
Conditions in Austin are prime for a spark to lead to a fast-spreading fire. If authorities issue an evacuation order, will you be ready?
There's a limit to how much heat a given species of fish can take. Popular Central Texas sport fish, like largemouth bass and sunfish, seek deeper water and shaded areas to beat the heat, but that's not an option for all fish.
Austin Energy está ofreciendo a los clientes residenciales incentivos financieros para dejar que ellos ajusten la temperatura en sus termostatos inteligentes en los días de alto consumo de energía - como durante la próxima semana, cuando se espera que las máximas diarias superen los 100 grados.