Trey Shaar
All Things Considered Producer, Reporter, HostAustin resident, on and off, mostly on, since 1986. Covering news of Central Texas and beyond since 1994. Father since 2010. Maker of sounds, informational and otherwise, since longer ago than any of the above. You can email him at
The lower courts ruled the death row inmate waited too long to challenge the state’s DNA procedures, but the Supreme Court disagreed. Now, he can go to a federal court to make his claim.
Gran parte del estado está viendo temperaturas récord esta primavera. Estos extremos pueden ser difíciles de manejar para la red eléctrica, especialmente una con un montón de centrales eléctricas antiguas.
Much of the state is seeing record-breaking temperatures this spring. These extremes may be difficult for the electric grid to handle, especially one with a bunch of older power plants.
February’s severe winter weather left a lot of dead trees. Now it’s time to deal with them before they cause problems.
Hospitalizations and case numbers are flat and could worsen. So the area likely won't move into stage 2 of the area's risk-based guidelines before the second week of May.
Dr. Mark Escott also said that while cases and hospitalizations are declining, the slow rate of decline will delay a move to a lower risk level.
Austin has been hit with a hail storm on March 25 for the fourth time in less than three decades.
A judge turned down Attorney General Ken Paxton's request to put an immediate stop to the local mask mandate. The ruling allows the order from Austin Public Health requiring mask-wearing in public places and businesses to continue being enforced.
During a news conference Friday, Austin Public Health leaders said the spread was also possibly mitigated by a lack of movement through the community due to road conditions and closures.
Local health officials are hoping to avoid a repeat of the spike in cases and hospitalizations after other holidays this year.