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Watching and Waiting: Rick Perry 2012

Watching and Waiting.
Photo by KUT News
Watching and Waiting.

It's time for our daily update on all the media coverage surrounding Governor Rick Perry's possible Presidential run.

Another Day, Another "Will He Run?" Story:

Better get used to this category in our daily coverage folks. There are a bunch of media outlets out there, and just about all of them will do this kind of story on Governor Perry.  Today's entry from the Washington Post looks at how the just finished special legislative session could help or hurt his possible Presidential run.

The Post also has a "strengths & weaknesses" video running down a possible Perry campaign.

Perry's on the Issues:

As it looks more and more like the governor is going to run, more and more people from around the country want to know where the governor stands on a number of topics. One of the BIG ones for the 2012 election - and on into the perceivable future - is immigration. KUT's political reporting partner the Texas Tribune has a look at the governor's sometimes dynamic sometimes uneasy relationship with Hispanics and GOP policy.

Where's Perry?

As I talked about yesterday - the Governor has upped his travel schedule as speculation on his run grows stronger (remember you can go HERE to find a map that tracks Perry's whereabouts). Now the governor has added Michigan to his travel plans. He'll be speaking to the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference in September.

Also scheduled to speak: former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

And while we're talking about travel...the Texas Supreme Court ruled today that the  Governor's travel plans and itineraries can be kept secret. The Houston Chronicle reports normally DPS travel vouchers are open to public records requests. Not anymore says the court.

Ben Philpott is the Managing Editor for KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @BenPhilpottKUT.