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Watching and Waiting: Rick Perry 2012

Rick Perry has found mixed results in a couple of early polls.
photo courtesy the Texas Tribune
Rick Perry has found mixed results in a couple of early polls.

We at KUT continue to wait and see if Governor Perry will throw his ten-gallon hat into the Presidential ring. Here’s the latest:

Perry in the Polls

This early in any political race, it is hard to place much stock in opinion polls and surveys. Most voters really haven't had a chance to figure out who's running. Still, they can serve as a marker of momentum. So, is the Mo with Rick? A New Hampshire survey released July 5th showed Perry with only 4% of the potential Republican vote in the Granite State GOP Primary with Mitt Romney leading (35%) and Michelle Bachmann in second (12%). Somewhat by contrast, a recent Fox News Poll of GOP primary voters released on June 29th shows Mitt Romney leading with 18% of the vote with Perry in second with 13%. According to the News Tribune of Tacoma Washington, “GOP pros” say the race for the nomination is really down to Romney, Bachmann, and perhaps Perry. The polls tell a mixed story but the “pros” seem to think Perry has the Mo.

Former Gingrich Aid Joins Pro-Perry Group in Iowa

Many would-be Republican presidential nominees have been spending time in Iowa and New Hampshire over the past few weeks. This is because of the important role the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary play in determining the non-incumbent Presidential nominee. Now, reports the Des Moines Register, Americans for Rick Perry, an advocacy group unaffiliated with Governor Perry, has hired Craig Schoenfeld, Newt Gingrich’s former Iowa campaign director, as their Iowa campaign director. Having such a campaign infrastructure in place in Iowa may make Perry’s decision to throw his hat into the ring all the much easier.

Perry Fever in ‘Bama

Like many prominent state office holders, Governor Perry occasionally—or frequently as of late—likes to speak at events outside of his home state. Some of the organizations, such as the Alabama GOP, that booked the Governor months ago are finding they got more than they bargained for. According the the Houston Chronicle, the Alabama GOP is expecting an audience of 1000 to see Governor Perry speak at their annual Summer Dinner on August 12th. The event normally draws 500 at best. The higher than expected turnout for the Summer Dinner is due in no small part to anticipation of Perry announcing his candidacy, possibly at the event itself.