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Watching and Waiting: Rick Perry 2012

Still watching...with a dash of waiting.
Photo by KUT News
Still watching...with a dash of waiting.

The wait continues...but luckily so does the news coverage.

Another Day Another Poll

The Iowa Republican, an online publication which says it's "News for Republicans, by Republicans" has a new poll out on the GOP Iowa caucus. This poll included several unannounced candidates, including Sarah Palin, Rick Perry and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. And among the "unannounced," Christie took the win with 13% of the vote. Perry got about 6% of the vote, behind Mitt Romney (18%), Michele Bachmann (15%), Christie, Palin (7%) and Herman Cain (7%).

Sure You're Not Running for President

When (and if) Mr. Perry announces - the following will be one of those news stories that some will point to and say, "I knew he was running after I read THIS."

(As I've posted previously, for me it was when he put his name on a NASCAR car during a race at Texas Motor Speedway)

Capitol Press Corps reporter April Castro (Texas AP) has a story out this afternoon about a little meeting Perry had today with former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. According to April, the meeting was requested by Musharraf, because he wanted to talk with the Governor about the "the Texas success story" and to talk about how to make an economy thrive. Perry, an old hand at social media, even tweeted out a picture of the meeting.

A Personal Invitation

Governor Perry has released another video inviting people to "The Response" day of prayer and fasting in Houston. Our friends over at the Texas Tribune report about 6,000 people have registered for the event to be held August 6th in Reliant Stadium. In the new video Perry invites people to ask for God's help in solving some of the country's problems.

The OTHER Texas Candidate

GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced he will NOT run for re-election in Congress. He wants to spend his time on the run for the White House. Mr. Paul consistently finished behind the GOP front runners during the 2008 primaries. But he also showed the ability to raise a fair amount of money over the internet. If Governor Perry does run, it will be interesting to see how loyalties within the state will split over the two Lone Star State candidates.

Ben Philpott is the Managing Editor for KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @BenPhilpottKUT.