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Watching and Waiting: Rick Perry 2012

Photo by KUT News

Here’s a daily update on Governor Perry’s possible presidential bid:

Concerns Over Money Could Keep Perry From Running, But Not Likely

Judging from many of the stories we have linked to on the Watching and Waiting blog, it seems quite likely Governor Perry will soon declare his intention to seek the GOP presidential nomination.  According to Maggie Haberman of Politico, the prevailing sentiment among Republican Party elites is that the Governor will run. However, Haberman reports that Perry may face challenges in fundraising, particularly from New York financiers among who he is not particularly well known.

New Quinnipiac University Poll Shows Perry Fourth Among GOP, Losing to Obama Head-to-Head

We have mentioned several polls (The Iowa Republican, The Washington Times, Fox News)  here at Watching and Waiting over the last few days. Most show the undeclared Governor Perry somewhere in the middle of the GOP pack. A new poll from Quinnipiac University, shows more of the same with Governor Perry coming in fourth with 10% of the vote behind Mitt Romney (25%), Michelle Bachmann (14%), and Sarah Palin (12%). The poll also shows Governor Perry losing in a head-to-head matchup with President Obama with the President getting 50% of votes and the Governor getting 37%.