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Watching and Waiting: Rick Perry 2012

Photo by Daniel Reese for KUT News

We hope you--like us here at Watching and Waiting--had a relatively Perry-free, Potter-filled weekend. You have to take a break from muggle politics every now and then. But, now that (SPOILER ALERT) the Dark Lord has been vanquished, it's back to work for us and for you.

Rick Perry 101

Though there have already been many stories in the national media bout Governor Perry and his possible presidential candidacy, if he declares, there are sure to be multiples more. Anticipating an army of journalists descending on Austin once the Governor officially declares, Paul Burka of Texas MonthlyMagazine has written an open letter to the national media. In “Dear Yankee: Eight things you ought to know before you start writing stories about Rick Perry,” Burka advises the national media that—among other things— “Perry is not George Bush,” that “It’s not a big deal that Perry was once a Democrat,” and that "Perry is not a male hair model."

Perry Tries to Distance Himself from Extremist Christian Groups

As we saw from controversy surrounding candidate Barack Obama’s connections to ACORN(Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) and the Reverend JeremiahWright during the 2008 presidential election, organizations and individuals with whom presidential aspirants associate can become a political liability. In the lead up to The Response, a day a prayer and fasting sponsored by Governor Perry, the Governor has come under fire for what some consider the ‘extremist’ views expressed by the American Family Association and some of the events more prominent attendees.

Speaking to the Capitol Press Corps Monday,  Governor Perry said that ‘while he appreciates theendorsements’ of most of these groups and individuals ‘their endorsements don’t mean the Governor endorses what they believe or say.’

Rudy Giuliani Could Throw Support Behind Perry

Rudy Giuliani, former New York City Mayor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate, may run for president in 2012. Or, according to Chris Cilizza of the Washington Post, he may lend his endorsement to Governor Perry, who was the only Republican governor to endorse Giuliani in 2008. Such an endorsement could help the Governor raise his national fundraising ability by tapping into Giuliani’s many New York connections.