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On the Road: Winning Iowa in Three Weeks

Rick Perry speaks to reporters at the Veterans for the Strong America forum in Des Moines.
Photo by Ben Philpott for KUT News
Rick Perry speaks to reporters at the Veterans for the Strong America forum in Des Moines.

It almost feels like the GOP Presidential campaign has been going on since 2008. There have been 14 major debates and forums since May, and Republican Presidential hopefuls started visiting Iowa so long ago it was still above freezing.

But you could say the race for the Iowa caucus really begins tonight with the ABC News debate at Drake University.

That's certainly the case for Texas Governor Rick Perry. He's got a two week bus tour coming up, and is hoping Iowa voters will give him a second chance. His campaign has shown flashes that it could make a move in the caucus.

But just when you think he's back on the right track... he makes a mistake.

Friday, during his interview with the editorial board of the Des Moines Register he said their were only 8 U.S. Supreme Court Justices (there are 9). He also couldn't remember the nameof Justice Sonya Sotomayor. 

But Perry had a strong appearance today at the Veterans for a Strong America forum, where he unveiled a new campaign video. It has first-person accounts of several war heroes, all of whom support Perry for President.

Perry then jumped on stage and delivered a speech on national security with as much emotion as his video lead-in. The crowd for the forum was very small, but Perry got louder applause (and more of it) than the other candidates who appeared at the event. 

But will he be able to follow up today's performance with a strong debate tonight?

Ben Philpott is the Managing Editor for KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @BenPhilpottKUT.
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