One of Rick Perry’s former classmates at Texas A&M University made an impassioned plea at a caucus meeting in Urbandale, Iowa for voters to support the Texas Governor’s bid for the presidential nomination.
“A good leader gets people to do things they don’t want to do,” Marine General Joe Webber said to the crowd in a caucus televised nationally on C-SPAN. “I gotta tell ya, our country right now, if we’ve ever needed a leader to get people to do things that they don’t want to do, we need it right now.”
“Rick Perry will get us back to understanding and appreciating that and provide the leadership, leader of character, that our nation needs so desperately,” Webber said to polite applause.
Representatives for each candidate get several minutes to pitch the crowd before caucus-goers cast their votes. At the same caucus in Urbandale, former Pennsylvania Governor Rick Santorum’s wife Karen spoke for her husband.