Perry Announces End to Campaign - Jan. 19, 2012 by KUT News
"As someone who’s always admired a great, if not the greatest Texas governor, Sam Houston, I know when it’s time to make a strategic retreat.”
So said Gov. Rick Perry moments ago, retreating not from Santa Anna’s armies, but instead from dim prospects for this Saturday’s Republican primary in South Carolina. “I have come to the conclusion there is no viable path forward for me in this 2012 campaign,” Perry said. He also endorsed Newt Gingrich: “Newt is not perfect, but who among us is? The fact is, there is forgiveness for those who seek God. And I believe in the power of redemption, for it is a central tenant of my Christian faith.” He declared Gingrich would have “the courage to tell those Washington interests to take a hike, if that is what’s in the best interest of our country.”