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Greg Abbott Announces Run for Texas Governor

Bob Daemmrich ,Texas Tribune

Long-time Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is running for the GOP nomination for governor in 2014. His official announcement has been anticipated in the days after Gov. Rick Perry announced he would not seek re-election.

A few hundred friends and supporters came to Plaza Juarez in downtown San Antonio to hear Abbott announce his run. A video shown at the announcement and his speech that followed focused on his life in office and on the accident 29 years ago that left Abbott paralyzed.

"Some politicians talk about having a spine of steel. I actually have one," Abbott said, referring to the two steel rods placed along his backbone.

Abbott also went through a list of accomplishments during his time as Attorney General. Including his efforts to stop human traffickers and child predators, his program to enforce and collect child support, and what he called his battles to defend, "...the most vulnerable in society, unborn children."

Abbott quickly mentioned he may have another fight over abortion on the horizon. He did not elaborate whether that would be with legal challenges to a bill just passed that would regulate and restrict abortions, or a nod to the possibility of a challenge in the 2014 general election from State Senator Wendy Davis(D-Fort Worth). Davis held an 11-hour filibuster to help block passage of the abortion bill in an earlier special session.

During Abbott's speech, the Texas Democratic Party announced the launch of a new website, which lists "things you should know" about Abbott.

For the moment, the website is the only Democratic effort to oppose Abbott. While people have started talking about a possible run by Sen. Davis, she has yet to announce.

Abbott does have one Republican challenger at the moment too. Former state party chair Tom Pauken. For now, Pauken is considered a long shot, with little money in the bank compared to the $23 million in Abbott’s war chest.

Abbott has rallies planned Monday in Houston and McAllen.

Ben Philpott is the Managing Editor for KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @BenPhilpottKUT.
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