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Gay Conservatives Denied 'Official' Spot at Texas GOP Convention
Log Cabin Republicans want an official spot at next week's Texas GOP convention.

The Texas Republican Party has denied the Log Cabin Republicans a space at next week's state convention. Log Cabin Republicans represent gay conservatives and supporters of marriage equality in the party. 

Log Cabin Republican Executive Director Gregory Angelo says the state party denied the group’s application for a booth at the convention because, as homosexuals, they disagree with a plank in the party platform. The plank reads, in part, that "homosexuality tears at the fabric of society."

"It was our obligation to let the voters of Texas know and to let members of the Republican Party in Texas know that that language is in the party platform and it is being used to intentionally exclude gay Republicans from formal participation in the state GOP convention," Angelo says.

Angelo says individual gay Republicans will be attending the convention, and they hope to start a conversation about that party plank – although there are, for now, no official efforts to change it.

The Texas Democratic Party released a statement yesterday, inviting the Log Cabin Republicans to attend that party's convention next month in Dallas.

"Thanks but no thanks," Angelo says. He told KUT his group isn't working to divide the GOP. However, he says this stance will cost the party votes now and in the future.

"There is a surging group of millennial Republicans in Texas and around the country who do not understand individuals who are the fringes of the GOP who are obsessed with an opposition [to] gay equality, who unfortunately are in positions of power, where they can get up on soapboxes and push divisive anti-gay language stating that, among other things, homosexuality tears and the fabric of society," Angelo says.

State Republican Party Chairman Steve Munisteritold the Houston Chronicle that other groups supporting legalized marijuana and gambling were also denied booth space at next week’s convention.

Ben Philpott is the Managing Editor for KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @BenPhilpottKUT.
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