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Fort Hood Update: Argument Likely Triggered Shooting
Gov. Rick Perry and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz visited Fort Hood today,and met with victims and first responders.

Flags are still flying at half-staff in Fort Hood today, in remembrance of the three people killed and 16 injured by alleged shooter Spc. Ivan Lopez, who also took his own life.

Fort Hood officials held a press conference this afternoon on the status of their investigation into the shooting. Fort Hood commander Lt. Gen. Mark Milley backed away from statements he made yesterday describing Spc. Lopez's "unstable psychiatric or psychological condition" as "the fundamental underlying causal factor" in the shooting.

Instead, Lt. Gen. Milley said it was more likely that an "escalating argument" or "verbal altercation" between Lopez and other soldiers was a more likely cause of the event. Still, Milley added that so far there's no indication specific soldiers were targeted by Lopez.

Names of the Killed Released

More details are emerging about those who died in the attack: Sgt. First Class Danny Ferguson, Sgt. Timothy Owens and Sgt. Carlos Lazaney Rodriguez.

Sgt. First Class Ferguson's fiancée Kristen Haley told WTSP-TV in Tampa, Florida that Ferguson died while trying to help others:

"He held that door shut, because there's no locks. Those doors seem like they'd be bulletproof, but apparently not. If he was not being the one against that door holding it, that shooter would have been able to get through and shoot everyone else."

Perry, Cruz Visit Fort Hood

Gov. Rick Perry and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz visited Fort Hood earlier today and met with victims and first responders. Cruz was asked whether he would advance legislation to allow soldiers to carry concealed handguns on post. 

"At this point today we need to be focusing on the victims, praying for their recovery and helping the community come back together," Cruz said. "There will be plenty of time to have discussions about the public policy issues going forward."

The next Fort Hood press conference is Monday, April 7. A memorial service is planned for Wednesday, April 9.