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Photos: Media Waits Outside Lance Armstrong's Home

Before sitting down with an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey, Lance Armstrongreportedly apologized to the Livestrong staff today.

At least seven media trucks were parked outside of Armstrong’s house Monday morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of Oprah Winfrey. The talk-show host was expected to appear at Armstrong’s house sometime Monday for an exclusive interview with the former cycling champion. However, the Associated Press reported this afternoon that Armstrong was on his way to a hotel to tape the interview.

Some reports have said Armstrong will confess to having used performance-enhancing drugs.

Before Armstrong’s interview with Winfrey was announced,a New York Times article reported the cyclist was considering admitting to doping.

Armstrong has continued to deny using performance-enhancing drugs sincehe stopped fighting the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s (USADA) accusations this past summer. Later in the fall,the USADA released a 202-page report with 11 testimonials from Armstrong’s teammates about his alleged doping. This report resulted in Armstrong’sofficial separation from Livestrong, the non-profit cancer organization he founded in 1997, and the International Cycling Union (UCI)stripping him of his seven Tour de France titles.

Armstrong's interview with Oprah is scheduled to air Thursday, Jan. 17, 8 p.m CST, on Winfrey’s OWN cable channel. will also stream the interview online.

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