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The Final Hours

Thank you for pledging to KUT

We're in the final 24 hours of our fall membership drive. So far the community has invested almost $600,000 in quality news, music and information programming.

The number of first-time and sustaining members investing in the programs they enjoy on KUT and KUTX is humbling. So far, we have more than 1,000 new members and nearly 1,500 sustaining members. When people pledge their support to the station – via (512) 471-6291 or by donating online – they often share comments on their favorite program or music host.

During this membership drive, we’re seeing supporters using Twitter to share their thoughts about becoming a member. A few of them are included here:

I just became a sustaining member of the best radio station(s) on the planet. Just do it- best investment evah! @KUTXAustin #SupportKUTX Proud to support @KUT and @KUTXAustin in the fall fund drive. Best radio in ATX! I discover at least one new amazing artist everyday on @KUTXAustin. Being a member is worth every penny. New city, new pledge. Proud to #SupportKUT and you should too! @KUT Go be a sustaining member of @KUT (and KUTX) - you can afford it at some level. In return, you get the best media outlets in Austin. Long overdue, but just became a sustaining member of @KUT! #SupportKUT

Whether you want to express your support for Morning Edition, Eklektikos, Radiolab, or just express your feelings about the importance of community investment in public radioplease do so today (and feel free to Tweet us @KUT or @KUTXAustin). Our fall membership drives end tomorrow (Oct. 25) after Morning Edition and Music with Susan Castle. Thanks so much for your support!