Incumbent DAs had mixed results in Travis and Harris counties, while Democratic challengers in El Paso are headed to a runoff.
The Democratic primary race between Garza and Sylestine got messy ahead of Election Day.
Shane James is accused of killing six people in a shooting spree that stretched across San Antonio and Austin. He had a long history of interactions with police.
Justin Berry is one of 19 officers facing charges pursued by a Democratic district attorney. Republicans call the allegations politically motivated.
Specific homeless camps may fuel property crime, but one researcher says on average, camps do not appear to increase city-wide crime rates.
He allegedly wrote a graphic Craigslist post about killing three officials and harming law enforcement families. The case is the first brought by the Justice Department's election threats task force.
Candidates answered questions from a moderator and the audience at public meetings on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
The Austin Police Department found 78 guns possessed illegally and has made 44 arrests so far.
The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office and Atlanta Police Department are investigating attacks at three spas. Authorities say many of the victims appear to be of Asian descent.
Lee esta historia en español. Two billboards stationed alongside I-35 as drivers enter Austin read: "Austin Police Defunded, Enter At Your Own Risk!"The…