Many families are under financial stress, parents see kids seriously behind in school, huge rent bills and looming evictions and delayed medical care has negative consequences, to name a few.
The infusions are more available and accessible to Texans than ever before, and new criteria for who can receive antibody treatment have led more doctors to prescribe it.
Los índices de vacunación en Texas llegaron a su punto más bajo en julio, pero han ido subiendo poco a poco en las últimas semanas conforme han aumentado los contagios ocasionados por la variante delta del coronavirus.
Though cases and hospitalizations appeared to flatten this week, officials say the area is likely to see numbers surge over the next few weeks.
Vaccination rates in Texas had reached their lowest levels in July, but they have gradually picked up the pace in the last few weeks as the highly contagious delta variant has ravaged the state.
'I Am Frightened By What Is Coming': Texas Hospitals Say COVID-19 Caseload Could Soon Overwhelm ThemHospitals have hundreds of empty positions and a fraction of the workforce they need at the worst possible time, officials told legislators on Tuesday.
The lack of available nurses has driven up salaries and created a heated, competitive job market as thousands of positions remain open throughout Texas.
Las hospitalizaciones de COVID-19 han aumentado dramáticamente desde principios de julio gracias a la variante delta y las bajas tasas de vacunación.
COVID-19 hospitalizations have been rising sharply since early July, spurred by the highly contagious delta variant and stagnant vaccination rates.
State officials say in just the past week hospitalizations are up 49% due to the highly contagious COVID variant.