A team of audio producers spent a full day on Austin's iconic party street during SXSW to capture what it sounds like for the new podcast 24 Hours in Austin.
A developer that owns multiple properties on East Sixth Street wants to revitalize the area and turn a handful of spots into music venues, including the former Easy Tiger restaurant and Buffalo Billiards.
City staff say reopening the road is not feasible because the sidewalks are too narrow to support the number of pedestrians, especially during peak hours.
West Sixth and Rainey Street bars are roaring back. Red River and East Sixth Street bars and venues aren't.
Council members will vote Thursday on whether to ask city staff to consider the idea and to come up with a timeline for opening the street to vehicular traffic on weekend evenings.
De’Ondre Jermirris White, de 19 años, enfrenta un cargo de homicidio por la muerte de Douglas Kantor durante el tiroteo del 12 de junio. Fue arrestado el jueves por la tarde.
De’Ondre Jermirris White, 19, faces a murder charge for the death of 25-year-old Douglas Kantor. He was arrested Thursday afternoon.
Las autoridades han emitido una orden de aprehensión contra de De'ondre Jermirris White por el tiroteo de la Calle Sexta que dejó a un hombre muerto y por lo menos a doce heridos el 12 de junio. La policía de Austin dice que entrevistas con testigos y evidencia balística señala a White como el principal sospechoso en el homicidio de Douglas Kantor de 25 años.
An arrest warrant has been issued for De’ondre Jermirris White in the East Sixth Street shooting that left a man dead and injured at lease a dozen others on June 12. Austin police said eyewitness accounts and ballistic evidence link White to the murder of 25-year-old Douglas Kantor.
La policía de Austin el jueves ofreció nuevos detalles sobre el tiroteo del sábado, el cual dicen que ocurrió tras un altercado entre adolescentes.