Travis County passes Central Health budget, but emphasizes continued scrutiny of financial practicesDespite passing the budget unanimously, county commissioners had lingering concerns about the $35 million Central Health pays annually to Dell Medical School.
Forming a united front with Austin's City Council, Travis County commissioners voted to request tweaks to the $4.9 billion project as the window closes on public comment.
With public comment ending Friday on six competing plans to widen MoPac south of Lady Bird Lake, county commissioners submitted a scathing critique of the project and its public input process.
A lo largo de la pandemia, las muertes relacionadas al virus han tendido a ocurrir unas semanas después de que suben los contagios.
During the pandemic, deaths related to the virus have tended to follow a few weeks after a surge in cases and hospitalizations.
Cases and hospitalizations have soared, prompting renewed calls for safety measures. Nearly 81% of people hospitalized in the area have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Commissioners heard hours of testimony against the proposal, which would cost roughly $79 million, before voting to hold off on the design plan for the jail — or any facility.
Grupos de activistas están pidiéndole al condado de Travis que deseche sus planes para construir una nueva cárcel para mujeres y que mejor use esos fondos para promover alternativas a la encarcelación.
Activist groups are calling on Travis County commissioners to scratch plans for a new women's jail and instead invest in alternatives to mass incarceration.
Lee esta historia en español. Coronavirus cases in Austin and Travis County have been inching up since Sept. 1, though hospitalizations have dropped by…