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Texas Keystone XL Opponents Look To Day in Court

The Keystone XL pipeline would take oil from sand pits in Canada to refineries in Texas.
The Keystone XL pipeline would take oil from sand pits in Canada to refineries in Texas.

Transcanada will be able to start building a portion of the the Keystone XL pipeline on land owned by Texas farmer Julia Trigg Crawford as early as March 1.  A temporary restraining order banning the Canadian pipeline builder from starting construction was dissolved Friday. Trigg Crawford had filed the order to stop the company from trenching on her family farm.

Linda Curtis is the director of Independent Texans, a group that supported Trigg Crawford. She told KUT the trial in April is a test of existing property law.

“This is a huge loophole that was left open for any company to come in and claim to be a common carrier and automatically be able to use right of seizure, eminent domain to take somebody’s land,” Curtis said.

The trial is scheduled for April 30th

Mose Buchele focuses on energy and environmental reporting at KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @mosebuchele.