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What Gave Gov. Perry Sleepless Nights on the Campaign Trail

KUT News

According to the Texas Tribune, Governor Rick Perry is downplaying the effects of his previously publicly unknown sleep apnea

Perry’s office released a statement to CNN on Sunday, confirming that the governor indeed had the sleep disorder, but had been diagnosed and treated during the campaign.

But on Thursday, Perry blamed pain resulting from back surgery in 2011 as keeping him awake.

“My issue was one of a hyper-fusion of that nerve in my foot that kept me awake,” Perry told The Houston Chronicle.

Regardless of specifics, it would appear that Perry and his office both agree on one thing: they attribute lack of sleep to Perry’s 2012 unfortunate presidential campaign.

How’s Perry sleeping these days? “It’s a no never mind now,” Perry told the Chronicle. “I’m sleeping rather well.”

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