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What Do You Want To Know About Guns And Schools In Texas?

Gabriel C. Pérez/KUT
Students participate in a national walkout for gun safety in downtown Austin to the steps of the State Capitol on Apr. 20, 2018.

On Friday, Santa Fe, Texas, was the site of the latest mass shooting at a school in the U.S. Ten people were killed and 13 injured after a 17-year-old student entered the school with his father's shotgun and handgun.

Now, state leaders are calling for changes aimed at preventing this kind of school violence in the future. Their ideas are sometimes drastically different: Some are calling for more restrictions on guns, while others want changes in school design and security measures that could make it harder to get into a school with a gun.

The debate over what to do has become sadly predictable after these kinds of mass shootings.

We want your help to better understand the debate — what the current gun laws are in Texas, what schools are already doing to protect students and what's working elsewhere. We want your questions about guns and schools in Texas in an effort to find a common set of facts to move the debate forward and prevent more people from being killed.

Please ask questions that might have answers rooted in facts. Questions attacking specific politicians won't get us anywhere. But questions about who's funding those politicians are fair game. The best questions will ask for an explanation of some facets of guns, school shootings and strategies for prevention.

Please use the form below to ask your question.


Matt Largey is the Projects Editor at KUT. That means doing a little bit of everything: editing reporters, producing podcasts, reporting, training, producing live events and always being on the lookout for things that make his ears perk up. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @mattlargey.
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