Austin ISD is the largest school district in the nation whose campuses have "No Place for Hate."
The No Place for Hate campaign provides schools the opportunity to address bullying and prejudice. The Anti-Defamation League-sponsored campaign began in Austin in 2011 with only 23 schools in the district qualifying. In just three years, all of AISD’s 122 schools have acquired the status.
In order for a school to qualify, every student on campus must participate in three group activities addressing bias, prejudice and other topics that students deem worthy to the entire school. Every person on campus must also sign a resolution of respect.
"It’s more of a grassroots student supported, student directed initiative campaign," says AISD's Angela Ward. "So it causes us adults to really take a listen and really take note of what the students feel is important."
Ward, who leads AISD's Cultural Proficiency and Inclusiveness Office, not only ensures that the No Place for Hate campaign runs smoothly on campuses, but also trains her AISD office staff in the program's principles.