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After Quick Ascension, Gov. Perry Drops to Second Place

Rick Perry delivers a speech to conservatives in Newton Iowa.
Photo by Ben Philpott for KUT News
Rick Perry delivers a speech to conservatives in Newton Iowa.

A bad debate and two straw poll loses later, Texas Governor Rick Perry is no longer the GOP Presidential front runner, at least according to one poll.

A new FOX News poll has former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney back in the lead over Perry 23 percent to 19 percent. Former pizza executive Herman Cain made a surprise lead to third place with 17 percent.

Gov. Perry's recent stumbles on immigration, Social Security and an overall poor performance at the Orlando debate where he fumbled attacks on Romney, appeared to help Cain the most. While the Texas governor dropped 10 points, Cain jumped 11.

President Obama still holds a lead over Perry and Romney in a head to head matchup. Beating Romney 45 percent to 42 percent. The poll has Rick Perry trailing by 47 to 39 percent.

Fox News Poll September 28, 2011

Ben Philpott is the Managing Editor for KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @BenPhilpottKUT.