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StateWatch Texas: 2013 Legislature Preview

Lawmakers can raise money for their campaigns until 30 days before the Legislature convenes.
KUT News
Lawmakers can raise money for their campaigns until 30 days before the Legislature convenes.

The 83rd Texas Legislative Session begins Tuesday. Let’s go over a short list of the expected session priorities.

It's Always the Budget

The recession and Republican opposition to raising taxes ended with about $15 billion cut from the last budget.

Now state revenues are up, but Governor Rick Perry and other leading Republicans are calling for a constitutional amendment to restrict how quickly the budget can grow.

“As a small government conservative. I believe that government growth – if any – should be kept to the bare minimum," Perry said in a speech last year, "we have to remember there is no such thing as extra money.  Not when it’s coming out of the pockets of taxpayers, right?”

Even at Perry’s “bare minimum” the budget should grow this session. As the state’s population grows – more people need more roads, schools and water.

Planning for the Future

Water actually got a pre-session boost from Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. In a December speech Dewhurst said he wants to use the state’s economic stabilization fund – known as the Rainy Day fund – to jumpstart construction of some water management facilities like reservoirs or cross state pipelines.

“Bring out about a billion dollars out of the Rainy Day fund – set it up in the Water Infrastructure bank – so that we can start helping," Dewhurst said.

But critics say it’s going to take much more than that billion to fund a comprehensive plan that keeps the water flowing for the state’s amid climate change and population growth.

Education Funding in the Spotlight

Texas public education advocates are also looking for more money this session. The 2011 legislature gave schools about $5 billion less than the state’s own per-student funding formulas would have delivered.

Advocates hope some of that money is restored this year. But major changes to how the state pays for public schools will probably wait until we get a verdict in an ongoing school finance lawsuit. That’s expected in late spring or early summer.

State Senator Dan Patrick (R-Houston) has already proposed a major finance change: funding private school scholarships for low-income families.

“We’re going to allow business to deduct up to 25 percent of what they would pay in the franchise tax. And that money would go to a non-profit," he said in a press conference last year. "By doing this, we are going to give an opportunity to get a scholarship if they so choose, to send their child to that private school.”

Supporters say this would not be a school voucher, an idea that has failed in the legislature several times over the last decade. Opponents say whatever you call it - it would divert money away from public schools.

What's a Democrat to Do?

Most of the 2013 session priorities are Republican items. So what about the other side of the aisle? The Democrats are the minority in Texas, so maybe the question should be…what, if anything, can they do this session?

“My mantra last session was: maintain sense of humor and try to minimize the damage. That’s what a lot of us have been focusing on the last couple of sessions, "said Austin Democrat, State Representative Eliot Naishtat.

Naishtat admits it’s harder for Democrats to pass bills. But thinks it does depend on the subject. He  expects bi-partisan support for bills he’ plans on aging.

Power sharing also gives Democrats a chance in Austin.

“In Washington, the majority party has all the committee chairs," said the Texas Tribune’s Ross Ramsey. "And in Austin that’s not true. I expect about a third of the committee chairs in the House and something like that in the Senate will be Democrats. So they have some place of power.”

Democrats have enough votes in the Senate block legislation if it comes to that.  There are enough House Democrats, 55, to break quorum and shut down the chamber.

“I would endorse shutting down government, putting pressure on leadership, for a short time in hopes of killing the bad bill or getting leadership to back off of the bill," said Naishtat.

House Democrats last used the “nuclear option”  in 2003. That year they drove to Ardmore Oklahoma. If there’s a return trip – StateWatch Texas will be there to cover it.

And I’ve already checked –Ardmore does have a Starbucks.

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Ben Philpott is the Managing Editor for KUT. Got a tip? Email him at Follow him on Twitter @BenPhilpottKUT.
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