Over the last month, thousands of people have rallied in Austin and across the country to protest the Trump administration’s so-called zero-tolerance…
The first graduating class at the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders receives their diplomas this Saturday.Among the graduates is 17-year-old Ana…
A UT student organization held a ceremony today for undocumented students who will graduate with their peers this weekend.Last year, undocumented students…
The program grants permanent visas to some immigrants earning advanced degrees. But the sticking point for Democrats opposing the bill is that it also ditches a lottery program that hands out 55,000 visas.
It's been more than a month since the government began accepting requests for its Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, a new policy for young people brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It means that for two years they can avoid deportation and get a work permit.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Benita Veliz, a 27-year-old San Antonio woman whose parents brought her into the country on a short-term tourist visa nearly two decades…
Program To Help Young Undocumented Immigrants BeginsAn Obama administration executive order takes effect today that provides some protection from…
A Bloomberg News poll found 64 percent of voters agreeing with Obama's decision to order a stop, for now, to deportation efforts against young immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally as children.
Both sides say President Obama's decision to stop deporting young, otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants could have an affect on the general election. Republican Mitt Romney called it a weak "short-term" approach to a big problem, but did not say he'd reverse the directive if elected.
As college-bound high school seniors graduate this month, many of them will have to worry about how they’re going to pay for their education.But for one…