Amy Held
Amy Held is an editor on the newscast unit. She regularly reports breaking news on air and online.
The Philippines on Sunday announced a 44-year-old man died of the virus after developing severe pneumonia. Later on Sunday, two new cases of the virus were confirmed in the U.S. for a total of 11.
"Never had so much love in my life," Antonio Basco said Friday as hundreds of people whom he had never met showered him with hugs, blessings and support.
The French president set a goal of completing the work in five years. Hundreds of millions of dollars were raised toward the effort one day after a fire at the cathedral.
The building burned for hours on Monday, with smoke billowing into the sky. The cause of the cathedral's blaze was not immediately known, but the initial investigation points to an accident.
President Trump and Kim Jong Un are going for round two as the U.S. seeks to achieve the historically elusive goal of denuclearization by North Korea.
By Tuesday, the tiger was headed to a sanctuary outside the city, while officials have launched a criminal probe in search of its owner.
The U.S. Strategic Command faced a backlash after it tweeted about the Times Square ball drop, adding that "if needed" it would "drop something much, much bigger."
More than 12 million pounds of meat are now included in the recall. Officials say some 250 people have been sickened. They fear contaminated beef may remain in people's freezers.
The storm is forecast to be the most destructive to hit the Panhandle in decades and expected to send life-threatening surges of ocean water into coastal areas along the Gulf of Mexico.
Prosecutors say James A. Fields Jr. targeted counterprotesters for their race, color, religion and national origin when he plowed his car into them last year, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer.