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Group Calls Education Bill An Attack on Teachers

A state teachers' union says a bill passed by the Texas House is an attack on educators.
Photo by KUT News
A state teachers' union says a bill passed by the Texas House is an attack on educators.

The Texas House has given final approval to a big education bill.  Supporters say Senate Bill 8 would give school districts more flexibility, as the state makes cuts to public education spending. 

“When you look at the things they put on there, the ability to cut teacher pay, using furlough days, attack on contract rights for teachers, attack on due process rights for teachers, can’t be seen by us as anything but an attack,” Texas American Federation of Teachers President Linda Bridges told KUT News.        

As Morgan Smith, of our political reporting partner the Texas Tribunereports, some amendments added to Senate Bill 8 include:

  • School districts would be able to notify teachers of termination 10 days in advance. Currently, terminations requires 45 days notice
  • Districts would be required to fire teachers based on evaluations, instead of seniority
  • Any across the board teacher salary cuts would have to apply to administrators, too
  • Districts would be able to fire superintendents mid-contract when they declare financial exigency

The education bill now goes to a House-Senate conference committee.

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