A new report from Greenpeace found that people may be putting plastic into recycling bins — but almost none of it is actually being recycled. Meanwhile, plastic production is ramping up.
Texas ranks tenth in the country in Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. That's according to a report issued by the U.S. Green…
Confused about Austin’s coming bag ban? You’re not alone.Austin Resource Recovery, tasked with reaching the city’s zero waste by 2040, is hosting carryout…
The ACEEE (American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy) has released its 2012 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. According to their findings, Texas…
The Second Annual SXSW Eco Conference and Festival kicks off today and is aptly named Evolving the Environmental Conversation.The three day conference…
Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated 2012 is SXSW Eco's first year. KUT News regrets the error. SXSW Eco will kick-off next…
Austin is known as a dog friendly city. There’s dog parks, ample off-leash areas – heck, even the City Council passed an ordinance allowing dogs on…