A recent change in federal rules gives rural districts more options for providing summer meals. The change has allowed Smithville ISD to increase the number of kids getting healthy meals while school is out.
A federal waiver that allowed schools to provide free meals to all students regardless of family income expired after Republicans in Congress blocked efforts to renew it.
From the Texas Tribune: Students eager to purchase soda and fried foods when they return to school in the fall may be disappointed, despite Texas…
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller wants to end a decade-old ban on deep fried food in Texas public schools. Miller, who was elected last year,…
Some in Congress want to give schools more time to comply with a new law to limit calories and fat and add more veggies to meals. But nutrition advocates say it would roll back healthy gains for kids.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture said it believes beef trimmings known officially as "Lean Finely Textured Beef" are safe to eat. Nonetheless, it announced that owing to "customer demand" it will give schools the chance to opt out of it in the next school year.
Texas school districts are responding to the newest innovation in nutrition guidelines from the The U.S. Department of Agriculture. The USDA today…