Becky Fogel
Education ReporterBecky Fogel is the education reporter for KUT. Previously, she was a statewide newscaster based at KUT and then the editor and producer of newscasts for The Texas Newsroom, a partnership between KUT, KERA, HPM, TPR, and NPR.
She's also been a production assistant for "Science Friday." She got her start in radio as a reporter at KWBU in Waco.
You can email her at
Diez distritos locales se unieron en una conferencia de prensa el viernes para discutir cómo están respondiendo al reciente aumento de amenazas violentas. Los líderes escolares están pidiendo a las familias que ayuden a sus hijos a entender el impacto de hacer amenazas. El ISD de Austin dijo que recibió 30 amenazas sólo la semana pasada.
Ten local districts teamed up for a news conference Friday to discuss how they’re responding to the recent rise in violent threats. School leaders are asking families to help their children understand the impact of making threats. Austin ISD said it received 30 threats last week alone.
Supporters say kids need to understand the Bible to understand American literature. But opponents say kids are too young for this type of instruction and the materials could alienate students who aren't Christian.
Actualmente, los estudiantes de Texas que se clasifican en el 6% superior de su generación de la preparatoria son admitidos automáticamente en la UT, una universidad insignia. Los estudiantes que soliciten una plaza para el semestre de otoño de 2026 tendrán que estar entre el 5% de los mejores.
Currently, Texas students who rank in the top 6% of their high school graduating class are automatically admitted to UT's flagship university. Students applying for the fall 2026 semester will need to be in the top 5%.
Disability Rights Texas presentó una demanda federal contra el distrito escolar en 2021 por no haber llevado a cabo las evaluaciones de educación especial dentro del plazo establecido por ley. La mesa directiva del ISD de Austin aprobó el acuerdo el mes pasado.
Disability Rights Texas filed a federal lawsuit against the school district in 2021 over its failure to conduct special education evaluations within the legally required timeframe. The Austin ISD school board voted to approve the settlement last month.
More than half of families with school-aged children faced food insecurity over the last year. Parents also said concerns over whether they can afford nutritious food for their households is taking a toll on their mental health.
El semestre de otoño comenzó el lunes para el primer grupo de estudiantes que participan en el programa de matrícula gratuita de la universidad. Más de 4,800 graduados de institutos locales se están beneficiando de él.
The fall semester begins Monday for the first group of students participating in the college's free tuition program. More than 4,800 local high school graduates are taking advantage of it.