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USADA Says Its Lance Armstrong Files Are Almost Ready

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) says it needs three more weeks to prepare and send its Lance Armstrong files to the International Cycling Union (UCI), promising to have the documents ready by October 15.

The USADA has accused Armstrong of cheating and recommended that his seven Tour de France titles be stripped. Armstrong has said he won’t fight the decision. The USADA does not have the authority to actually strip the titles. It can only recommend the sanctions to cycling’s international governing bodies.

USADA spokesperson Annie Skinner, in an email to KUT News this afternoon, says "USADA is in the process of finalizing the written reasoned decision in its U.S. Postal Services pro cycling doping case. We will provide the reasoned decision addressing the lifetime bans and disqualifications imposed to the UCI and [World Anti-Doping Agency] as provided for under world rules. "

The UCI has said previously that it plans to uphold the USADA's recommendationsto take away Armstrong's titles.

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