The cancer charity whose yellow wristbands became a global brand under founder Lance Armstrong is seeking to reinvent itself, years after donations and…
Lance Armstrong has agreed to pay $5 million to settle a lawsuit that claimed he defrauded the federal government by using performance-enhancing drugs…
Hundreds of samples taken from riders in this summer's Tour de France found no signs of doping, officials say. Anti-doping authorities plan to keep the samples for eight years, possibly to test them again.
Also: the first English-language bookstore in Cuba; the role of public libraries during natural disasters; the best books coming out this week.
Tomorrow marks the 100th edition of the Tour de France and Lance Armstrong — despite being stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles — still believes he's…
Update: Nike has produced merchandise with the Livestrong logo for nine years – raising more than $100 million for the foundation. But Nike will stop…
Try as he might, Lance Armstrong just can’t return to competitive sport.Armstrong was slated to compete in the Masters South Central Zone Swimming…
The Livestrong Foundation says it is bigger than its founder and it will survive past the scandal surrounding Lance Armstrong.“I have to tell you that…
The lawsuit alleges that Armstrong and his team's pervasive doping campaign defrauded the U.S. Postal Service out of more than $31 million in sponsorship fees.
Through a lawyer Armstrong said he would be willing to cooperate in an international tribunal but not in "American prosecutions that only demonize selected individuals."